Setting up GitHub Actions and Firebase Hosting

Both Firebase Hosting & GitHub Actions offer generous free quota (with limit of course), perfect for our personal project!

Let's use these tools to set up our hosting and automate our deployment workflow.

Feel free to skip any sections (that you already know) or dive into the source code jec-11ty-starter straight away!

This is the second post of the series. Here is the previous post - Building Personal Static Site with Eleventy. It's fine to continue reading this though. The basic setup is similar among projects.

Refer to official documentation for latest pricing:

Setting up Firebase Hosting

Please complete these two prerequisites before we continue:

a. Sign up & login to
b. Create a project, follow the steps on screen. Give your project a nice name.

In your project, open up the terminal and follow the steps below:

  1. Run npm install firebase-tools -D in the terminal. This will install Firebase CLI as our project's dev dependency.
  2. Run npx firebase login to sign in using your Google / Firebase account.
  3. Run npx firebase init hosting - Firebase provides a lot of other features, but we only need hosting for now.
  4. Select Use an existing project and choose the project created in prerequisite step b.
  5. It will prompt you 2-3 more questions along the way. Just press enter or answer anything. You will be fine, no worries 😆. Not convinced? Follow the my answers below lol.
Firebase prompts
Firebase prompts

Why the steps?

The steps above will eventually create two files in the project - .firebaserc and firebase.json. We can edit both (that's why no worries, heh).

Let's look into each of these files.

.firebaserc stores the Firebase project name. In case you chose the wrong project in step 4 earlier, you may update it here.

// .firebaserc

"projects": {
"default": "[your_firebase_project_name]"

Next, firebase.json stores our project configuration. Replace your file with the code below. 👇🏼

// firebase.json

"hosting": {
"public": "dist",
"cleanUrls": "true",
"ignore": [

A few explanations on the configuration above,

Suppose we have the following html document:

- about.html
- licenses.html

When the user navigates to our pages in browser, the URLs would be:


Urgh, not that pretty right? It would be nice if our URLs looked prettier, like:


That's what the cleanUrls setting does. Refer to the Firebase documentation for more details.

Setting up NPM scripts

Alright, Firebase Hosting is ready. Next, add our deployment scripts in package.json:

/* .package.json */

"scripts": {
"clean": "npx del dist",
"prebuild": "npm run clean",
"build:prod": "ELEVENTY_ENV=prod npx eleventy",
"predeploy": "npm run build:prod",
"deploy": "npx firebase deploy",

All set! Let's try to run npm run deploy in your terminal. The below tasks will be executed in sequence:

  1. Delete the dist folder if it exists.
  2. 11ty will build and compile your src files to the dist folder.
  3. Firebase will deploy all the files in the dist folder to its hosting service.

As mentioned in the previous post, the prebuild task is optional. You may not need that. Also, if you prefer to run the build and deploy scripts separately, feel free to remove the predeploy script.

Nice, so where's my url?

Your URL should appear in the terminal upon successful deployment. Otherwise, go to your Firebase console, select the project and click on the Hosting menu. At the page, you should see the URL Firebase has created for you.

Copy the URL and open it in the browser. You should see HELLO world! on screen.

If you bought a domain (e.g. my domain is, you can start setting it up by clicking on the Add custom domain button. Follow the instructions on screen and you'll be fine.

Add custom domain in Firebase Hosting
Add custom domain in Firebase Hosting

Setting up Github Actions

As a developer, we don't want to run the deployment step manually every time. Let's use GitHub Actions to automate that!

In your project folder,

  1. Create a new folder .github.
  2. Create a workflows folder under .github.
  3. Create a main.yml file in the workflows folder. You can rename the file freely, not necessary main.

First step to automate our deployment

First, we need to decide when to deploy. In our case, the project is small. It's a personal website.

We want to deploy when either condition is met:

Configure our workflow

Let's configure our main.yml to reflect that.

# main.yml

name: CI # Give it any name

- master
- cron: '0 13 * * *' # daily 9pm MYT

The configuration is quite expressive itself. The schedule is using the cron syntax. If you want to learn more about it, go to (keep pressing the random link on screen to learn further 😆).

Another gotcha: you might be wondering why 13:00 is 9pm MYT. Well, GitHub does not support timezones yet, so it uses UTC time. Do your own math or use to do the conversion beforehand. If you'd like to have built-in timezones, go upvote the feature in GitHub Community!

Define our build steps

Next, let's add in our step-by-step instructions in main.yml. We want to:

  1. Run the deployment tasks on Linux (Windows and macOS are available too, but more expensive though).
  2. Checkout the source code from the repository.
  3. Install Node.js.
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  5. Run the deploy script we created earlier to build and deploy to Firebase (npm run deploy).

Convert the above steps into main.yml.

# main.yml

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- name: Checkout branch
uses: actions/checkout@v1

- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12.16

- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install

- name: Build & deploy
run: npm run deploy
CI: true

The steps are quite expressive itself. A few explanations on the fields.

Add a new secret in GitHub repo > Settings > Secrets
Add a new secret in GitHub repo > Settings > Secrets

Run & test our GitHub Actions

All good! Let's push your changes to the master branch. Open your GitHub repository page, and view your deployment progress in the Actions tab.

See your GitHub Actions in action
See your GitHub Actions in action

You can drill down further to see the status of each step, the steps shown on screen are the name we defined in main.yml (give your steps meaningful names).

Add a new secret in GitHub repo > Settings > Secrets
Add a new secret in GitHub repo > Settings > Secrets

Explore further:

You may want a totally different configuration - for example, you might want to run the build on every branch or whenever someone creates a PR. You might have more than one workflow as well. In some projects, you might even want to build on different OS (e.g. Windows, Mac) and software versions (e.g. NPM, Android project simultaneously).

GitHub Actions can support complex use cases, pretty powerful. Just try to play around and configure that.

Bonus: Two extra handy configurations

Thanks for reading so far ! Here are the two handy configurations for you.

Skipping the build

Other popular deployment tools (e.g. Travis or Circle CI) support [skip-ci]. We can type [skip-ci] in our commit message or PR title to stop the build intentionally.

This doesn't come with GitHub Actions by default, but we can write an extra line to support that easily.

# main.yml

if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip-ci]')" # add this line
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Cache your dependencies

npm install takes time. The more dependencies we have, the slower our build is. It's good to cache them for faster subsequent builds. Let's add in one more action for that.

GitHub supports more complex cache settings too, refer to its documentation (with instant copy-pastable example 😍).

# main.yml
# place after the "Checkout branch" step


- name: Retrieve npm cache (if any)
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.npm
key: npm-packages



Combine all the steps above. Here is our full main.yml file!

# main.yml

name: CI

- master
- cron: '0 13 1/1 * *'

if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip-ci]')"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- name: Checkout branch
uses: actions/checkout@v1

- name: Retrieve npm cache (if any)
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.npm
key: npm-packages

- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12.16

- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install

- name: Build & deploy
run: npm run deploy
CI: true

Alrighty, what's next?

Yay! We have set up hosting and automate the deployment successfully. 🎉 That's how my site was set up as well. I have been using GitHub Actions and Firebase for several projects, so far so good.


If you are looking for alternatives for hosting and automation, try Netlify! They offer free quota too. The developer experience in Netlify is better than both Firebase Hosting and Github Actions, IMHO, especially for people without prior experience in hosting and deployment. Much easier to get started. I like it.

However, Netlify has a less generous free quota 😆 (check out their pricing plan), but it is enough for personal projects. I am not sure if it can support complex deployment scenarios like GitHub Actions can.


In the coming posts, I plan to write about more on how I built my website with 11ty:

Let me know if the above topics interest you.

Here's the GitHub repo for the code above: jec-11ty-starter. I'll update the repo whenever I write a new post.

That's all. Happy coding!

Have something to say? Leave me comments on Twitter 👇🏼

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