Wee! Dad is out of hospital. Bill is 9k. Cheap? Expensive? Compare to saving his foot, the price definitely worth it.
Bill is still rolling, coz need to return to hospital twice a week for cleaning and monitoring. 💰
Dad dislikes visiting hospital coz it's pain and coz higher chance for COVID. 😷
Me: See la, ask u dun work during EMCO, dun listen.
Me: Now the bill is more expensive than your fish earnings ady.
Dad: Wei, u cannot say like that la. This is accident ma.
Bro: Different la. Fish earnings goes to him ma, but hospital bill goes to us! 😂
Dad: I give u money and let u experience all these u want?
Me, Bro: Give us first and we'll consider. 😂😂😛😛
COVID cases went up to 20k. No eyes see but life goes on. As long as we're alive, stay healthy, happy and safe, buddies! 💪