That's what left at 8.40 am. I leave the stall, off work.
Energy was running low for both dad and me for the week. We hv our own issues to deal with and family one.
Dad has nt been operating biz for the whole week. Pasar aunties were quite concern.
A: Wah, my grandchild has no fishes to eat for a week ady.
B: Where were u go holiday?
C: Fuiyor, rich ady hor, no need work.
D: Wow, u still alive, thought u r dead. (In fact a few pasar operators js passed away)
In fact, my dad feels boring and lonely, also... lazy. I support he took time off, coz he really doesn't need to work hard.
His loneliness isn't something me as a children can help with. He did hang out with friends everyday, but I guess that's different too.
What he is looking is a companion. The feeling that someone is thr when he's home.
The fact tht he's alone (even with kids) facing 4 side of walls in home/room scares him.
I think many of us face similar feeling sometimes. It's ok, js need to deal with it.
If anyone has aunties wanna intro him, pm lol! 😂
#CMB for dad.
- CMB - Coffee meets Bagel, a dating app.