Ishh, today morning drizzling, make me work OT...
These 2 bags got premium packing (with ice), premium marking (with emoji) and premium delivery service by me. 😎
9.30 am still left 5 white pomfrets #白昌
Me: Dad, do u want to see top sales in action?
Dad: I am the top of the top already.
Me: 🙄 Walao, so u want me to help sell all these fishes anot?
Dad: Want lah. Can ah?
Call 1
Me: (Calling Kenneth) Jie ah, wanna buy pomfret? Good for babies.
Ken: How much?
Me: Buy 2 la, RM 39.
Ken: RM 39 each or total?
Me: (The fact he asked that question mean he doesn't usually buy fish 😂) It's total lah.
Ken: Ok.
Call 2
Me: (Calling Hugo) Kwan ah, wanna buy pomfrets for ur family?
Hugo: Oh, ok.
Me: How many u want? 2?
Hugo: Ok.
Me: (Didn't even ask price. 😂)
Sell 4 fishes in 5 min. Not bad ah. 😎
Just when I wanna make another call to sell the last one, 1 auntie passed by.
Me: Wah, auntie, lucky u, left the last pomfret waiting for u.
Auntie: Really ah? Fresh anot?
Me: (Straight weighting) As fresh as your look today. Last one sell u cheap cheap, RM 18. (Actually I didn't discount)
Auntie: Haha, okay, help me pack it.
Woohoo, sold out. Off work!
Me: How's your daughter performance?
Dad: U can inherit my fish business ady.
Me: 😂
Learning today: It's okay to utilize your friends sometimes, especially it's for their own good, fresh fishes! 😂
Thanks my friends Hugo and Kenneth for giving me a chance to be the top of the top sales today!