Officially back at fish selling today. CNY js over, but I still greet every auntie Happy New Year tdy. π
We sell less stock tdy, but customer flow is smooth. I like it this way without crazy crowd coz conversations can happen.
My dad might think otherwise. π
A: I don't want the mouth and tail, help me chop it off.
Me: Dad, u roger that?
Dad: Okay.
(A few moments later)
Dad: Done, pack it.
A: Aiyo, why still gt head and tail one, i said dun wan ady. Why dun listen to me?
Me: Haiya, he is old ady, memory faded easily nowadays, haha. Will cut it for u now ya.
Dad: CNY leh, no head no tail nt good. Symbolize u do work nt complete and nt responsible leh. (εδΊζ 倴ζ ε°ΎοΌ
A: (Worried) Har, like that one meh, but CNY is over ady, js cut la. Should be fine right?
Me: Dad, forgot to cut say forgot la, stop bluffing k. π
Auntie: Ceh, don't learn frm ur dad, always talk 3 talk 4.
Dad, Auntie, Me: Laughing.
Keeping customers entertained while we making/fixing mistakes is an important skill. I think we did it well.
If a joke cannot fix the problem, then giving fish discount probably will. π
Have a lovely weekend all!