Pasar still off tdy. That's the sea cucumber and fish maws my dad sold. Yum yum.
There're abalone in it too. But that's a low quality one. Why?
Dad: Wah, ppl come back and find the abalone we sold.
Me: Oh?
Dad: Ppl said it's good. Gt an auntie even came back and buy 6 more.
Me: Doesn't matter to us. U didn't even left one for us. #再好吃都不关我们事
Dad: This one we r eating r given by supplier one.
Me: No wonder. U cheapskate so ppl give u cheap abalone oso la. 😂
Dad: Cheapskate what. Got abalone is good enough ady. Still want to talk 3 talk 4 tokok. Children at Africa gt nothing to eat u knw.
Me: (Since when u care about Africa, u don't even care about us.) 🙄
I hope parents these days don't keep talking about Africa children like that. It's nt exactly like that lol.
Anyway, Gong Xi Fatt Chai all!