Woo, today sold out at 8.40am. Also first week of accepting e-payment!
Business needs to keep up with the trend, else probably bye bye.
Dad, as any old ppl, does nt feel secure of nt accepting cash on hand, and paying extra transaction fees (free for now). He rejected TnG installation once. However, he knw can't fight with the trend, because customers requested.
Conducted a training for him, taught him how to verify in the app if customers made payment.
Well, production is different frm testing.
Honestly, the app payment notifications kinda suck, need to check in inbox (few clicks away). Imagine your hands are full with dirty water and fish scales, how to check... #UXfail
So what we did is verify by trust. Ppl pay and show us receipt on their phone.
So technically, if u just show a fake screenshot, u can get fish for free! But, we hv faith in human race and pasar aunties! (Let's see if anything happens) 😆
During the training, dad keeps asking me where's the money goes, coz it doesn't show up in the e-wallet. Honestly, the TnG sales didn't do a good job in training non-tech savvy user lol. 😌
U knw what my dad did to me now? Usually I took fish and pay later, with the hope that he forgot to collect 💵 frm me.
Today he said to me: TnG me the payment immediately NOW! 🤬🙄
Probably he should nt keep up with the trend, also he didn't pay me training / technical support fee. 😒