Today suddenly gt scolded by an hot-tempered uncle. He bought RM 11 fish.
Man: How much?
Me: RM 11.
Man: (Give me RM 50)
Man: I give u RM 5 also.
Me: Ok. (Pass him RM 44 - 2xRM20, 4xRM1)
Man: (Shout at me) What r u doing? Why u give me so many RM 1 notes.
Me: (Blur) Huh?
Man: How much is the fish? (In high pitch, annoying face)
Me: RM 11. (Doing math in my head, wondering are thr anyway i can give less RM1)
Man: Oh, say la RM 11, then I give u RM 1 instead of RM 5. (Still raising voice)
Me: ...
Man grabbed the fish and the 💵, show me an angry eyesight, then left the stall.
WTH, Im still wondering why he gt so triggered by RM1. Seriously I didn't do anything. 😳
Potato also need to be respected one ok. Customer is not king sorry.
Luckily my mood isn't bad today else u see la, throw u the fish. 😂