Today my dad turned into family matters #expert, consulting an auntie on her relationship with daughter-in-law (aka typical drama in-law war) #婆媳大战
Both mom (the auntie M) and daughter (D) in-law are my dad regular customers, they stay in one home.
No wonder so many drama la, also both sometimes a bit calculative on who should pay for the fish. 😆
D uses Facebook to talk bad stuff about M. M uses pasar as a platform to gain her justice.
Juicy story, too long to fit here. Too bad no popcorn sell in pasar. 😂
Surprisingly, dad did nt add fire to the conversation instead advice properly.
Then, dad said to me: Fish only sellable if family stick together.
Woah, word of the day! What a wise business man, mitigate potential business risk. #visionary
What I also think: If D move out (M repeated N times it's her home), splitting to two homes probably will increase fish sales? Happy family cook more lol. But that's risk.
What I really think: Probably better to nt stay with in-law. Every LITTLE details got jot down!
Anyway, next time I wanna hear story frm D! 😏🍿